Hvordan bliver man dansk statsborger?

(article in english first, then danish) Do you dream of becoming a Danish Citizen? – Or “statsborger”, as it is called in Danish? Here you will find the answers as to what is required for citizenship in Denmark.

To be a citizen of Denmark means you have certain irrevocable rights as well as duties of Danish society. It also means you accept the terms of democratic freedom in the Danish Kingdom. It is both a privilege and a duty.

What is a Danish Citizen?

To be a citizen of Denmark means

  • You have all the rights of a Danish citizen such as the right to vote or to be elected for public office
  • You have citizenship duties such as the military drafts and other duties
  • You have international protection abroad
  • A citizenship cannot be revoked once instated
  • The Danish laws of becoming a citizen are used to determine who can and who cannot become a citizen

How do I become a Danish citizen?

Becoming a citizen in Denmark is available in different ways, depending on your country of origin, you immigration status, and other factors.

You can become a Danish citizen:

  • By birth. Children born after 2014, if that child has one Danish parent (father or mother), that child is automatically a Danish citizen. Before 2014, more complex laws apply.
  • By adoption: Children under the age of 12 being adopted by the approved Danish adoption process will automatically become citizens, if one of the adopting parents are Danish.
  • Marriage does not in itself qualify for citizenship, but a person can have Danish work and stay permit if married to a Danish citizen.
  • By declaration: That is, be decree from the Danish parliament
  • By naturalization, that is, by applying for Danish citizenship. This is what most adults need to to in order to become Danish Citizens. The basic requirements are
  • Stay 9 years in Denmark (fewer years can be accepted if married with Danish Citizen)
  • Accepts and follows Danish law and principles
  • Speaks Danish and can pass a language test
  • Passes the official citizenship test

Hvordan bliver man dansk statsborger?

(following text is in Danish) Som beskrevet ovenfor er det muligt at blive dansk statsborger enten ved fødsel, ægteskab, adoption, deklaration eller ansøgning.

De mange regler kan kort beskrives såleders

  • Ved fødsel: Børn født efter 2014, hvis barnet har en dansk forælder (far eller mor), er automatisk dansk statsborger.
  • Ved adoption: Børn under 12 år under dansk adoptionsbevilling vil automatisk blive statsborgere, hvis en af de adopterende forældre er dansk.
  • Ægteskab kvalificerer ikke i sig selv til statsborgerskab, men en person kan få opholdstilladelse, hvis personen er gift med en dansk statsborger. Ægtefællen skal kunne dokumentere økonomisk stabilitet og gode boligforhold.
  • Ved erklæring: Det vil sige, ved et dekret eller en lovgivning fra det danske Folketing
  • Ved naturalisation, det vil sige ved at søge om dansk statsborgerskab. Dette er, hvad de fleste voksne har brug for at for at for at blive danske statsborgere. De grundlæggende krav til dette er
  • Bo 9 år i Danmark (færre år kan accepteres, hvis gift med dansk statsborger)
  • Accepterer og følger dansk lovgivning og principper
  • Taler dansk og kan bestå en sprogtest
  • Består den officielle statsborgerskabsprøve

Can you become citizen in Denmark if you support sharia?

No, you can not become a citizen in Denmark if you support sharia or any other system that contradicts Danish law. A requirement for becoming a Danish citizen is that you subscribe to the Danish rule of law and democracy. If you do not support the danish rule of law and democracy, you cannot become a danish citizen.

Additionally, any support for violence or terror, even by your mere opinion on the matter, which also counts for “support”, means you will be judged by the Danish terror laws.

On the other hand, if you support the danish rule of law and democracy, you are and will be welcomed into Danish society.

By the way, it is written into the Danish constitution that Denmark is a Christian country.

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